Friday, November 29, 2019
The principles of infection Prevention and Control free essay sample
My roles and responsibilities in relation to the prevention and control of infection are firstly to myself then my colleagues then my employer, to my clients and then to any visitors. Iam responsible for taking action to prevent the spread of infection in accordance withlegislation and local and organisational policies and procedures I also have a personalmoral responsibility as a member of a caring society in profession there are many Wellsway infection control is important these include employees who work in communalliving environments employees who work with hazardous substances and employees his work activities may Expose them to infection. My legal responsibilities to working with individuals who may be vulnerable to infection aremy organisational responsibilities and my personal moral responsibility, My employers areresponsible for assessing the risks putting procedures in place insuring the procedures arefollowed ensuring that employees are appropriately trained in relation to infection controland making sure all employees are aware of the health and safety aspect of our work irresponsible for posting information on noticeboards, For keeping any information file suchas control of substances hazardous to health providing supervision keeping records andensuring that relevant standards policies and guidelines are available within the workplace. We will write a custom essay sample on The principles of infection Prevention and Control or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page My employer also hast to ensure that they adhere to the following regulations the healthand social care at 2001 the health and safety at work act and the control of substances hazardous to health regulations and the GS cc code of practice they also ensure that theissues with the correct PPE and then they allow for the correct disposable waste materials they make sure all of his employees are trained accordingly and the report all major Incidents to the HSE. Current legislation am regular Tory body standards which are relevant to the preventionand control of infection are the public-health control of diseases act 1980 4B says thatbasically it provides information on the legal requirement for the reporting of contagious or infectious diseases for example hepatitis HIV and legionella. The food safety act 1990 andis that applies to any area where food is prepared store. eaten control is required to ensurethat the race of any infection as a result of bad Hanningfield of fooduonnssnjsjeejeeoeoskwkskskkdkdksn minimised local and central government employeestaff to inspect premises without any advance notice the environmental health officers. There is the reporting injuries diseases and dangerous occurrents regulations Nolias R IDDO are 1995 and they said that the employer or manager in control of work premises as irresponsibility on the radar to report any work-related accidents or disease which result inserious injury or employing be a employee being off sick due to injury for more than threeworking days. There is the public-health infectious disease regulations 1998 whichdescribe the reporting systems and types of disease which must be reported datamanagement of health and safety at work regulations 1999 and this requires all staff to beprovided with adequate and appropriate training I set of working instructions demonstratingsafe working practices for work related activitys. There is the control assurance standards Hache SC 2002 2002 the standard provides a framework to control manage infection itprovides a timetable for senior managers and infection-control teams to work to thedocuments key action areas are to strengthen prevention and control of infection secureappropriate healthcare services the patients with infection to improve surveillance ofinfection and to monitor and optimise antimicrobial Prescribing. The medicines inhealthcare regular a Tory agency in this regular Tory body insures the medicines products available in the healthcare sector are safe to use the issue safety bulletins if they receivereports of faulty product or products which may be harmful to health it is the responsibility of the health care facility to report untoward incidence of products that are faulty to them. There is also the standards for better health 2006 the standards were published by theDepartment of health Im unachieved you important things first they were set out thefoundations for a common high quality of health care throughout the England second they will clarify what the NHS can do I should be reaching for it in its ambitions both the public and the people who work with in it. 2. 2 Attached 3. 1 Procedures and systems relevant to the prevention and control of infection are the healthand social care act 2001 the health and safety at work act,the control of substances hazardous to health regulations, the GSCC code of practice, the management of health atwork regulations, RIDDOR, control of disease act 1984, PPE regulations 1992, Hazardous waste regulations, N. I. C. E, work policy and procedure. The common occurrents and dire consequences of infectious disease outbreaks in nursinghomes often go on mechanised and on appreciated nevertheless these facilities providedan ideal environment that acquisition and spread of infection susceptible residents whoshare sources of N food water and healthcare in a crowded institutional setting moreover visitors staff and residents constantly comandantes bringing in pathogens from both thehospital and The community outbreaks of Westbury and gastrointestinal intestinal infectionpredominating the setting outraces skin himself to soft tissue infection and infections caused by anti-microbio resistance bacteria or so occur with some frequency. Nursinghomes provider acquisitor ingredients for outbreaks of infectious diseases as a rule only nursing home resident had multiple chronic diseases and functional impairment thatpredispose them to infection resident share sources of their food water and medical carewhich facilitates both the introduction and subsequent transmission asserting infectious agent Im on vulnerable residents Prolonged lengths of stay limited capacity is thediagnosis and ineffectual infection-control programs after our outbreaks to propagate andpersist for many months transfer of infected all colonise residents which is a commonobservance mates for outbreaks to all the facilities including hospitals and medical centres. Theà frequency and outracing nursing homes is not known at a variety of data suggest thatthey are common outbreak reports to constitute one third of the infectious diseaseliterature animating from nursing homes the centres for disease control and preventionresponds with some regularity to request for assistance in ma naging outbreaks in thesetting publications from state health department also periodically a test to parents ofoutbreaks in nursing homes finally surveillance studys Of nursing homes haveoccasionally detected clusters of various infections. à Risk is a potential that are chosen action or activity including the choice of inaction lead toa loss and undesirable outcome the notion improviser to choice having an influence on theoutpull exist or existed potential losses themselves may also be called risks almost any human endeavour carry some risk was someone much more risky than others. Potential risks of infection within the workplace other first aid personnel and workers wemight be a risk of exposure to infectious disease or biological houses if we receive ascheme penetrating injury citizen needlestick injury if blood orebody substances come intocontact with broken skin open wounds add-on laugh or contaminated first aid equipment or materials are used infectious diseases which maybe transmitted by blood and somebody substances included hepatitis B hepatitis C and Human immunodeficiency virus HIV thevirus that causes AIDS. My workplace take a review of death birthday practices to removethe rest of infection exposure to biological houses regularly. Infection-control in theworkplace aims to prevent pathogens from coming into contact with the person in the firstplace employers are obliged under the Occupational Health Safety act 2004 to provide asafe workplace their employees including the provision of adequate infection controlprocedures and the right equipment and training. Infectious agents can be spreading thevariety of ways including airborne this is coughs or sneezers which release airbornepathogens which you then inhaled by othersà contaminated objects or food the pathogens in a person cc baby spread to food or other objects in their hands dirty skin skiing contactthe transfer some pathogens can occur through touch by sharing personal items clothingor objects contact with body fluids pathogens in saliva, urine, Faeces or blood can bepassed to another persons body by courts or abrasions all through the mucus membranes of the mouth and eyes. The basis of good infection-control in the workplace is to assumethat everybody is potentially infectious proper procedure is have to be followed at all times every word they should have an appropriate first aid kit with at least one staff member trained in first aid equipment such as gloves down I goggles and faceshields should beprovided if necessary. Infection control procedure is relating to go personal hygieneinclude how moshing the spread of many pathogens can be prevented with regular handwashing you should thoroughly wash your hands with water and safe early 15seconds after visiting the toilet before preparing food and touching clients or equipment try your hands with disposable paper towels. Unbroken skin intact and healthy skin is a major barrier to pathogens any puts abrasions should be covered with a waterproof dressing. Loves webinars if you are handling body fluids are equipment containing bodily fluids if youare touching somebody else is broken skin mucous membrane or performing any other innovative procedure wash your hands between each client in use fresh most reach finewhen necessary personal items dont share cars clothing raisers toothbrushes shavers or other personal items. When preparing food you should wash your hands before and after handling to avoid touching your hair knows mouth teapot too hot and cold food called youseparate storage utensils and preparation services for Cox and uncooked foods wash allutensils and preparation services for a late of hot water and detergent after use. Infection- control procedures relating to cleanliness in the workplace include bakingly washing thefloors bathrooms and services such as tables and benchtop with hot water in detergentwash the walls and ceilings periodically mops brushes in class should be furrily washedand dried after every use Trimox in class is particularly important since many pathogens rely on my shooter five use disinfectants to clean up blood and overspills a bodily fluidwhen using disinfectants always wear gloves Cleaner surfaces before using thedisinfectant and always follow the manufacturers instructions exactly spot clean where necessary. To deal with spills of body fluids isolate their area Raygnoldes a plastic apronand I protection such as goggles soak up the fluid with disposable paper towels or cobaltous bellwether granular chlorine releasing agent for a minimum of 10 minutes to putthe granules and weights using a piece of cardboard or something similar and placing aplastic bag and dispose of appropriately. Makes one part bleach to temporise water andapplied to the area of the 10 minutes wash with hot water in detergent draggy areadispose of paper towelling loves appropriately wash your hands and mince any contaminated clothing in cold running water so Kimberly solution for half an hour thenwash separately from overclothing Warlingham with hot water in detergent. To dispose of infectious ways they have been contaminated with blood all over bodily fluid you shouldalways wear heavy-duty gloves place waste in a plastic bag SmartOne infectious waistand dispose of the waste in accordance with the EP a regulations infection controlprocedure is when handling needles and Aldershot contaminated objects include never attempt to read Or bend use needles handle by the barrel face inappropriate counterproofcontainer which is yellow and labelled Danger contaminated shops and marks for the black biohazard symbol if you come into contact with Lord orebody fluid you should push thearea with running water wash the area with plenty of warm or shall insert report theincident to the appropriate staff member record the incident via the disease injury near miss accident reporting procedure and seek medical advice If I need to get help I wouldget it from either my doctor my local councils health department the Occupational Health Safety officer at my workplace communicable disea se prevention and control unit at theDepartment of Health or WorkCover advisory service. 4. 3 The process of carrying out a risk assessment is to one identify the hazards to decide whomight be harmed in how three evaluate the risks and decide on the proportion 4 to recordall your findings and implement them at 5 to review your assessment and update if necessary. 4. 4 The law requires that my employer has to assess and manage health and safety in my workplace and in order to abide by the law part of the processes to carry out a risk assessment a risk assessment is an important step in protecting mark my fellow workers and the business as well as complying with the law help you focus on the desks that really matter in your workplace the ones with the potential to cause harm in many instances straightforward measures commensally control rest for example insuring splurges arecleaned up promptly so people do not slip. Risk assessment isnt careful examination of war in my workplace could cause harm to people so you can then whale whether or notyou are taking enough precautions or should do more to prevent harm workers and others have a right to be protected from harm caused by failure to take reasonable controlmeasures the law does not expect you to eliminate all less you are required to protectpeople as far as it as is reasonably practicable. 5. 2 Protective gloves are supplied to me in order to protect me against And being exposed togerms and bacteria to prevent germs and bacteria getting under my nails and to stopgerms and bacteria being transferred to my clothing. I use disposable protective aprons toprotect my clothing and stop germs and bacteria are being transferred to me if I use I wear goggles are using to protect my eyes against splashes and spills. I also use whatprotectors or shoe covers in order to stop bacteria and dirt getting on my shoes and toprotect my clients flooring. 5. 3 Personal protective equipment is used to protect both myself and the people I am givingcare it is important to insure the one Im using PPE is used correctly and for the purposes it was designed. 5. 4 Current relevant regulations and legislation relating to personal protective equipment arethe personal protective equipment at work regulations 2002 the management of health andsafety at work regulations 1999 under control of substances hazardous to healthregulations 2002. Employees responsibilities regarding the use of protective personal equipment is attendingtraining provided by the employer relating to how to use personal protective equipmentusing personal protective equipment in accordance with the training taking reasonablecare of all personal protective equipment provided by the employer returning personalprotective equipment to the correct storage accommodation provided for it after use andreporting to the employer any loss or obvious defect as soon as possible. 5. 6 Employers responsibilities regarding the use of personal protective equipment are toproperly assess the needs of personal protective equipment and assess personalprotective equipment before it is used to insure it is suitable this will involve identifyinghazardous hazard and it types of personal protective equipment that could be used for example locomotory fluid bashers are all hazards because there is a recipe substances could get into my eyes their personal protective equipment options available safety spectacles goggles advisors or faceshields. My employer provides free personal protectiveequipment all of his employees employers cannot ask employees to take a personalprotective equipment however if an employee and is not returning item of personalprotective equipment to the employer the employer can deduct the cost of replacing theequipment from any wages and providing misinformation has been McClary the contract ofemployment. 5. 7 Firstly I inspect my beloved packages the sign of contamination if there is any signs a ladiscard some of the signs might be watersports or moisture cares any other evidence ofdamage or contamination are always perform a hand wash I openness there are packageface about IDS by placing at your flat clean dryer service in the area where the gloves areto be worn appeal the Artabrackagh open completely to expose The inner package. I thenremoved in the package touching only the folded side of the rapper appositional packageso that the cofounders nearest to me I am told that in a package (245 position withouttouching the gods again expose both glossed I Glassel a la inside corners or designatedareas on the folder Apple generator site that touching the glass I put on the first book by grasping the Calthwaite the folder dad and remove it from the rattle one hand and stepaway from the table or try keeping the hands above the waist and insert my fingers of theother hand into the glove I them pull the glove on touching only the exposed surface of theinner glove. 5. 8 To takeoff my personal protective equipment Berglas allocate more from by pulling thecough distensible inside out I would then pour the second laugh while still holding the firstso the two gloves of folded together inside out again dispose of them in the correct wastedisposal container and wash my hands. The key principles of good personal hygiene from me is to ensure that I wash shower everyday and where clean uniform for work my fingernails I always ensure that they areclean as they can harbour bacteria easy and make sure that they are kept short clean andfree from now polishable false extensions and make sure my hair is regularly washed andit is tied back away from my face and I dont use products such as hairspray as some ofmy clients suffer from asthma away no jewellery to work as this could scratch my client, Itake every opportunity I cant promote and encourage good personal hygiene to the peopleI provide careful angriest people to wash their hands after toileting activities and to washevery day I always offer people the opportunity to bath or shower it is appropriate to their condition. The correct sequence the handwashing is one to whet my hands using warm runningwater and + 2I during the handwashing process and rub my hands vigourously for aminimum of 20 seconds paying particular attention to the back of my hands wrists inbetween my fingers and underneath my fingernails three I rinse well whilst leaving thewater running for when the water continuing to Ron ages I use a single used out and pack my hands dry five I turn off the water using the paper towel covering my clean hands toprevent recontamination. Hand washing activities must be performed regularly to help prevent and control thespread of infection but there are certain times when it is recommended that care workers washer Hans is up for putting on a clean uniform all personal protective equipment beforeany septic procedure after patient contact after removing personal protective equipmentafter going to the toilet before handling food and after finishing work. Attach the products they should be use the handwashing is general handwashing sodisinfectant hand wash surgical scrub solutions and alcohol gel. 6. 6 Maintaining healthy skin is an important step in the prevention and control of infectionhowever constant washing the wearing of gloves can cause the skin to dry out to preventthis moisturising cream should be applied to the hands following routine hand washingprocedures or should not be worn when they are not required for example whencompleting paperwork general skincare should also include insuring any causal gravers are covered within occlusive dressing prior to patient contact. The Principles of Infection Prevention and Control free essay sample Understand roles and responsibilities in the prevention and control of infections 1. explain employeesââ¬â¢ roles and responsibilities in relation to the prevention and control of infection 2. explain employersââ¬â¢ responsibilities in relation to the prevention and control infection. Outcome 2 Understand legislation and policies relating to prevention and control of infections 1. outline current legislation and regulatory body standards which are relevant to the prevention and control of infection . describe local and organisational policies relevant to the prevention and control of infection. Outcome 3 Understand systems and procedures relating to the prevention and control of infections 1. describe procedures and systems relevant to the prevention and control of infection 2. explain the potential impact of an outbreak of infection on the individual and the organisation. Outcome 4 Understand the importance of risk assessment in relation to the prevention and control of infections 1. define the term risk 2. utline potential risks of infection within the workplace 3. describe the process of carrying out a risk assessment 4. We will write a custom essay sample on The Principles of Infection Prevention and Control or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page explain the importance of carrying out a risk assessment. Outcome 5 Understand the importance of using Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in the prevention and control of infections 2. describe different types of PPE 3. explain the reasons for use of PPE 4. state current relevant regulations and legislation relating to PPE 5. describe employeesââ¬â¢ responsibilities regarding the use of PPE 6. describe employersââ¬â¢ responsibilities regarding the use of PPE
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